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- Written by: Trend-Lux
- Category: Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 180
This is a presentation of "TREND-LUX" specialized manufacture and installation of aluminum windows, aluminum glass facades, aluminum carport (blinds, shutters, blinds).
Behind us is ten years of successful work. Thanks to the continuous professional development of our professional team, applying the latest technical and technological knowledge and cooperation with top suppliers and subcontractors, we can conclude with certainty that we have achieved the success that confirm our clients and our work, ie work throughout Serbia.
See our offer, please contact us with full confidence and join our many satisfied customers.
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- Written by: Trend-Lux
- Category: Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 202
"TREND-LUX" - we specialize in the manufacture and installation of aluminum and PVC joinery, aluminum glazed facades, aluminum canopies, garage doors, shutters, shutters and blinds.
For many years we have been engaged in the professional manufacture and installation of gates and fences.
Twenty years of successful work are behind us. Thanks to the continuous professional development of our professional team, the application of the latest technical and technological knowledge and cooperation with top suppliers and subcontractors, we can conclude with certainty that we have achieved success that is confirmed by our clients and our works. works throughout Serbia and Europe.
Your space can look more modern with our creative ideas.
Take a look at our offer, contact us with full confidence and join many of our satisfied clients both in Serbia and in countries across Europe.
Sectional doors
Sectional doors open vertically and go under the ceiling. With this construction, they offer maximum space in the garage and in front of it.
Garage sectional doors can be installed with a killer opening and offer a greater passage width compared to a tiled door. Thanks to the permanently elastic and weather-resistant sealing tires, they are optimally sealed on all sides.
Rolling doors
Rolling garage doors open vertically and do not require any space in the garage. With this construction, they offer maximum space in the garage. The shape of the garage opening is not a problem with the installation, whether it is a rectangular, sloping or semicircular vault.
Front door
The main entrance to any home can reveal about the house and its occupants. The front door itself can be considered a great opportunity for personal expression, not to mention that the choice itself will attract the attention of everyone in the neighborhood.
Your new front door should be special and match the style of your home, and in addition it should meet high security requirements and provide energy efficiency such as sound and heat insulation.
Aluminum and PVC joinery
If you immediately and without thinking replace your old windows - with new PVC and ALU profiles - you will save up to 50% on heating, and the investment will pay off in 3-5 years.
Thanks to the air chambers and gaskets, our windows have good thermal insulation and sound characteristics, which causes a reduction in energy consumption, both for heating and cooling the interior.
Our PVC joinery is made of 100% granulate, which gives it a high rating in the quality on which we stand behind our work.
Windows represent a barrier between the outside world and the interior of the room and therefore must be resistant to all weather conditions, the quality of ALU windows is reflected in the fact that as a solid and durable material it can withstand all weather conditions.
Aluminum windows can be cold (without thermal bridge) and with thermal bridge (polyamide strip). The cold profile is used exclusively for positions where there is no difference in temperatures outside and inside because otherwise it will condense.
Thermo break (polyamide tape) separates the aluminum and creates a thermal bridge so there is no condensation. There is aluminum in several series that we use and it differs in the width of the polyamide strip, thus increasing the depth of the profile and getting better energy efficiency.
We offer:
- Aluminum windows single-leaf, double-leaf, multi-leaf
- Aluminum single door
- Aluminum double doors
- Aluminum front door
- Aluminum balcony door
- Aluminum partition doors
Gates and fences
An important segment of our company's business is the production and installation of aluminum gates, fences and railings for complete facilities on a turnkey basis. By applying the most modern manufacturing technology and the highest quality materials, our goal is to make fences that will last a lifetime and that the owners will be able to enjoy for many years to come.
The variety of our models, colors, designs and decor of the fence gives you extraordinary freedom in the design of the fence. From a simple fence to a richly decorated fence. The plasticization of the product has a great influence on the quality and durability - application of powder paint which protects the aluminum profiles from external influences.
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- Written by: Trend-Lux
- Category: Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 212
Clients who trust in us are very satisfied with our services and recommend us to others.
Nowadays it is very difficult to find business partners that you can completely rely on, with us it is absolutely possible. In addition to our outstanding efficiency and response in the short term to any of our requests or question, especially point out, the ability to offer a subtle or even more, and do something that our customers need before they ask for it. Always thoroughly and promptly informed on current innovations to our customers.
We have a reference that in hundreds of households, and so both the state and private companies.
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- Written by: Trend-Lux
- Category: Category (en-gb)
- Hits: 305
"TREND-LUX" is a family company that has been operating on the territory of the whole of Serbia for over twenty years, as well as on the territory of Austria, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.
The whole family is involved in the work with their selfless work, which guarantees the seriousness of our mission.
We manage to leave good impressions with our clients thanks to the continuous professional development of our professional team, application of the latest technical and technological knowledge and cooperation with top suppliers and subcontractors.
The headquarters of the company is located in Trnovo, in the municipality of Petrovac na Mlavi, in the Braničevo district
We are located on the road Petrovac na Mlavi - Pozarevac.
We are about 100 km away from Belgrade